Slow Ways art #1: Rosie Wainwright

As part of our Slow Ways art project, multidisciplinary artist and designer Rosie Wainwright walked a Slow Ways route and produced creative work in response to her journey. "I walked a Slow Ways route from...

Walking stories told through art

Six artists illustrate their Slow Ways journeys in West Yorkshire through sewing, printing, writing, vlogging and collage

Wanderers #1: Ali Pretty

Welcome to our Wanderers series, an interview series that spotlights interesting walkers from across the UK and beyond. In the first episode, we speak to Ali Pretty, Artistic Director of Kinetika and architect of the Beach of Dreams, an epic 500 miles walk over 35 days along the coast of England.

Canvey Island to Southend-on-Sea: a Slow Ways journey

Finding treasure in the whimsical, warm and mysterious Essex estuarylands, from Canvey Island to Southend and Leigh-on-Sea

Six pioneers and their shears

Slow Ways is honoured to have a bunch of supervolunteers – solo walkers who are putting enormous time and energy into reviewing routes. They meet up for a walk every so often so I joined them in the Midlands, on the overgrown Longbridge to Halesowen route