Happy St David’s Day / Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Sant Hapus!


Do the little things on the day of the patron saint of Wales

St David’s famous last words, spoken before his death on the first of March, were

Arglwyddi, frodyr a chwiorydd, byddwch lawen a chedwch eich ffydd a’ch cred, a gwnewch y pethau bychain a glywsoch ac a welsoch gennyf i 

which translates as 

Lords, brothers and sisters, be joyful, and keep your faith and your creed, and do the little things that you have seen me do and heard from me

The man was a quiet teetotal vegetarian, who ploughed the land himself rather than bothering the oxen, and ate only leeks and water. He did kind miracles like slightly raising the land under his feet so that the people in the back could see him while he spoke in Llandewi Brefi.

Warm little encounter with this man on the walk from Llanilar to Devil’s Bridge/Pontarfynach, Lladev

Do the little things

Do the little things really appeals. At a time where the problems of the world seem huge and frequently insurmountable and just create in me a feeling of overwhelming disempowerment; when the people in the world with the most power to do the big things seem to be doing very deliberately the wrong big things; when the rest of us often misuse what power we do have to snipe at each other and create ever smaller bubbles of the likeminded… To do the little things can at the very least can be a salve to the soul. 

And at most can add up to something really meaningful and truly life-changing, and landscape changing. So it is with my beloved Slow Ways.

We are asking for your 


and then for the 

story of your footsteps 

Walk, and then tell everybody via your review how your walk was. This simple act is changing already the landscape of Great Britain! Bit by bit we are creating an ambitious, grand, dot-to-dot network that really is changing how communities respond to each other. 

It’s mitigating the climate emergency, can help with the cost of living crisis and dozens of other good things. Just a step and a story and we can change the landscape in a way that will benefit even more people than just those at the back.

Sign up here! And walk through Llanddewi Brefi on Trerha, Pumtra, or Lamtre!

Hannah Engelkamphttp://www.seasidedonkey.co.uk
Hannah is a writer and editor whose great love is slow, resourceful, human-powered home travel. She once walked around Wales with a handsome and opinionated donkey called Chico, and now has two children who also make going for a good walk really hard. She is the Culture, Imagination and Story Lead for Slow Ways. // Mae Hannah yn awdur ac yn olygydd a'i chariad mawr yw teithio araf, dyfeisgar, ar ei liwt ei hun, heb injan. Cherddodd 1000 o filltiroedd o amgylch Cymru, asyn golygus a phengaled o’r enw Chico, ac erbyn hyn mae ganddi ddau o blant sydd hefyd yn ei gwneud hi'n anodd iawn mynd am dro. Hi yw Arweinydd Diwylliant, Dychymyg a Stori ar gyfer Slow Ways.