mental health

Fill your heart with walking on Valentine’s Day!

Share the love around with this voucher for a hike or a stroll with a purpose!

Slow Ways for your team, company or organisation

Calling all leaders! Could your team help? Lend us your volunteer days or let us help with wellbeing targets? Join our zooms to find out more

Walking in darkness to escape pain

Award-winning nature writer Anita Sethi walks along the Manchester Ship Canal at dawn and after dusk, the birds, dark water, bright artworks and busy history all helping her live through pain and shock

The perfect gift

If you have a depressed person in your life and aren't sure how to best spend time with them or offer them support or solace, a walk might be just the right thing

What is a proper bloke?

Darren joined The Proper Blokes Club for an evening walk through London, and learned about their walks for mental health

Walking to say goodbye

Why walking was important for a final farewell, for space and time, gravitas, butterflies and strawberries

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